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RE: Which should come first - navigation OR content?
From: ********
Date: Apr 25, 2006 10:50AM
- Next message: Becky Burd: "summer internship at Verizon Labs in Waltham, MA (USA)"
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- Previous message in Thread: ********: "Re: Which should come first - navigation OR content?"
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Good question. When I read the article, I made the assumption that it was talking about such things as <title>Some name<title>, H1, H2, H3, form stuff like "label for" or field sets, that are in the code that speech users rely on to navigate the page quickly.
- Next message: Becky Burd: "summer internship at Verizon Labs in Waltham, MA (USA)"
- Previous message: ********: "Re: Which should come first - navigation OR content?"
- Next message in Thread: Hoffman, Allen: "RE: Which should come first - navigation OR content?"
- Previous message in Thread: ********: "Re: Which should come first - navigation OR content?"
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