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RE: NOSCRIPT question
From: Alastair Campbell
Date: May 4, 2006 5:20AM
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Joe Clark wrote:
> ignore <noscript> the way you ignore <noframes>.
As in not using frames at all?! ;)
I suspect that everyone here agrees that a site should work with or
without JavaScript [1].
The method of degradation/enhancement may vary, and may affect (a few)
user agents differently. However, if you start with a valid page that
works without JavaScript, and then use it for enhancement, it's much
more difficult to go wrong.
Personally, I can't think of an instance where <noscript> would be
needed, but perhaps I'm biased by having good back-end developers who
are used to making web applications that don't require JavaScript? [1]
[1] Certain applications do require JavaScript, WYSIWYG editors being
the usual example I come across. However, even these can fall back to
text areas without using <noscript>.
Kind regards,
Alastair Campbell | Director of User Experience
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- Previous message in Thread: Joe Clark: "RE: NOSCRIPT question"
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