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RE: Accessible Matrix Forms
From: Alastair Campbell
Date: May 12, 2006 7:00AM
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> I have no visual problems but I hate them as I can never remember
> what the radio buttons stand for once I get halfway down the list.
Good point, they shouldn't get too long. I would assume that too long is
more than about 5 rows?
Just thinking through possibilities, you could set up a fixed 'header'
that stays in view, just above the current 3/4 rows. That does introduce
another complexity (scrolling), but might help overall.
> I also find that on 'bad muscle days' the accuracy needed to get
> the correct button marked is a lot more than a tick box/check box
> would be.
I'm not sure why that would be different for checkboxes in this format?
A nice trick is to make the hit area quite large, by padding around the
checkbox. An example would be:
(That does include visible labels, though you wouldn't have to.)
Kind regards,
Alastair Campbell | Director of User Experience
t. +44 (0)117 929 7333 | <EMAIL REMOVED>
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