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RE: JAWS and relative positioning
From: Andrew Kirkpatrick
Date: May 31, 2006 9:10AM
- Next message: Jared Smith: "Re: JAWS and relative positioning"
- Previous message: Jim Thatcher: "RE: JAWS and relative positioning"
- Next message in Thread: Jared Smith: "Re: JAWS and relative positioning"
- Previous message in Thread: Jim Thatcher: "RE: JAWS and relative positioning"
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This issue is caused, at least in part by this line in the CSS:
div#access, div#sidebar, p.backtotop { display:none; }
JAWS is honoring that in the newer versions and not earlier. This is in line with my test results at http://webaccessibility.info/lab/displaytest.html
This is a good change in JAWS. If you set the stylesheet processing back to the old way, you'll get the same undesireable results we used to deal with. Currently, if you set something to display:none, it is not displayed at all - visually or aurally. There is something else going on that I don't have the time to dig into, but I'm wondering why I can still see and tab to these anchors even with the display:none style - is the container set to display:none and the contents are otherwise defined and there is an issue as a result?
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- Previous message: Jim Thatcher: "RE: JAWS and relative positioning"
- Next message in Thread: Jared Smith: "Re: JAWS and relative positioning"
- Previous message in Thread: Jim Thatcher: "RE: JAWS and relative positioning"
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