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RE: JAWS and relative positioning


From: Alastair Campbell
Date: Jun 1, 2006 4:50AM

Stephane Deschamps wrote:
> the display:none is in
> the @media print section of the CSS, so the problem *may* be connected
> because the problematic links are indeed in these three
> containers

I've had an issue with Jaws before where it used the print styles when
they were included in the main style sheet. It didn't respect the @media
{} within a regular style sheet, however, I thought that had been fixed.

The relative positioning one would be new to this version, but not
unexpected due to IE (I'm making several assumptions about the original

On a previous design of our company site the main content area was
relatively positioned down by about 50 pixels. In IE, you couldn't
select the text in that area with the mouse. With Browsealoud (and IE)
it wouldn't read out that section of text.
It probably has the same root cause and fix as this:

I believe Jaws is using the DOM from the browser now (depending on
mode), so I would guess that issues like this will become more common
and be different depending on the browser (IE6, IE7 or Firefox).

Given that, I think Derek's suggestion for a set of test cases is going
to be vital.

Kind regards,


Alastair Campbell | Director of User Experience

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