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Question about controlling behavior of <select> element


From: Jim Allan
Date: Jun 7, 2006 8:20AM

That's a tough one Mike. A select box should only scroll with the mouse
wheel if the box has focus, otherwise the page should scroll. I do the same
thing...scroll the box rather than the page...so I make sure the proper item
si selected in the box, then click to return focus to the page and scroll
down the page. Its the users responsibility to pay attention to what has

there may be some way to turn off the functionality of the mouse wheel, but
I see it as akin to breaking the back button. you are breaking functional
expectations of the users mouse/interface/browser/computer.

Jim Allan, Webmaster & Statewide Technical Support Specialist
Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired
1100 W. 45th St., Austin, Texas 78756
voice 512.206.9315 fax: 512.206.9264 http://www.tsbvi.edu/
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