WebAIM - Web Accessibility In Mind

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Re: Yes!!! It's the Accessibility World Cup!


From: Tim Beadle
Date: Jun 9, 2006 7:30AM

On 09/06/06, John Hicks < <EMAIL REMOVED> > wrote:
> Your point is very important, but we believe that, other things being
> equal, these mechanical tests give a pretty good sign of what the site
> operator thinks of accessibility. As far as appearances are concerned,
> it is interesting to see the relation ship between the overall average
> and the number of detectable errors on the first page...

Interesting that the leading site (www.direct.gov.uk) has a rather
acute case of divitis/classitis, while being almost valid HTML 4.01
Transitional (1 error). It ticks all the right boxes (skip links, CSS
for layout, almost-valid HTML) while still somehow failing to have
high quality, well-structured, semantic markup.

Still, compared to the DTI's new site, it's a positive triumph for uk.gov...
