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Accessible Content magazine - available online
From: Steven Faulkner
Date: Jun 22, 2006 1:40AM
- Next message: Patrick H. Lauke: "Re: Elitism"
- Previous message: Sam Mignano - Analyst: "RE: Evaluating accessibility level for managers"
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Accessible Content
Is a print magazine available free to subscribers (you need to pay for
mailing costs)
Online versions of the magazine are available to subscribers as soon as
the print version is released and to non-subscribers after the print
version has been on the streets for 60 days.
latest issue available online:
Vol. 2, Num. 1 - Dealing with Change
Content includes -
Understanding AJAX
[http://www.accessiblecontent.com/online/v2n1/index.php?view=ajax]. It's
the new buzzword in web development, but
what impact does it have on accessibility?
Showing Good Form
[http://www.accessiblecontent.com/online/v2n1/index.php?view=forms1]. A
two-parter about making complex web forms
accessible (the first part's in the print version of the
but the second part is exclusive to the web).
How accessible are those tests that are used to tell
humans from computers? Are there accessible alternatives?
Best Practices for Big Sites
]. HP shares their best practices for
keeping a huge corporate site accessible.
Previous Issues:
Vol. 1, Num. 3 - Under the Hood of Accessible Sites
Vol. 1, Num. 2 - The PDF Issue
Vol. 1, Num. 1 - The Hidden Text Issue
with regards
Steven Faulkner
Web Accessibility Consultant
vision australia - information & library service
454 Glenferrie Road
Kooyong Victoria 3144
Phone: (613) 9864 9281
Fax: (613) 9864 9210
www.accessibleinfo.org.au | www.wat-c.org
Download the Web Accessibility Toolbar
Vision Australia was formed through the merger of the Royal Blind
NSW, the Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind, Vision Australia
Foundation and the National Information & Library Service.
ABN: 67 108 391 831 ACN: 108 391 831
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- Next message: Patrick H. Lauke: "Re: Elitism"
- Previous message: Sam Mignano - Analyst: "RE: Evaluating accessibility level for managers"
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