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Re: IE Weirdness
From: Susan R. Grossman
Date: Jun 22, 2006 2:10AM
- Next message: Al Sparber: "Re: IE Weirdness"
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- Next message in Thread: Al Sparber: "Re: IE Weirdness"
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If your image is too wide for the defined area, it is removed from that
defined space (the div) and shown below the space, in a wider area for it to
fit in. This is normal and expected behavior. The space above it is usually
the defined height of the division that is now above it, since it didn't
Solutions are simply make the image smaller or the division wider. You
can't fit a loaf of bread into a box that is smaller then a bread box.
On 6/20/06, Helen A < <EMAIL REMOVED> > wrote:
> I get this all the time, using a screen resolution of 800x600, and it
> drives me mad! It happens on other browsers I use too (Opera,
> Firefox), so it isn't specific to IE.
> I don't know whether this bugbear is my pet hate or if it is having
> to scroll sideways to see the whole page. Close-run thing anyhow.
> At 00:45 20/06/2006, you wrote:
> >Hullo
> >Not sure if this is the right place to ask but I've noticed something
> >weird in IE and wondered if anyone knew how to fix it.
> >If an image is too wide for my content div, IE shifts the image down
> >below my navigation div and puts a whole lot of space above it.
> >Case in point:
> >http://union.rmit.edu.au/fitness/careers/index.html
> >If you open this page in IE (I'm using 6 on a PC) and resize the window
> >(if you need to) so that the image is too wide for the content area,
> >you'll see what I mean.
> >Any suggestions?
> >(Page validates ok and the layout css is here if you need to see it
> >http://union.rmit.edu.au/style/main.css)
> >Thanks!
> >AJ
Susan R. Grossman
- Next message: Al Sparber: "Re: IE Weirdness"
- Previous message: Peter Weil: "Re: How to present lists within lists"
- Next message in Thread: Al Sparber: "Re: IE Weirdness"
- Previous message in Thread: Helen A: "Re: IE Weirdness"
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