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RE: LIFT Text Transcoder
From: Patrick Lauke
Date: Jul 26, 2006 5:50AM
- Next message: Tim Beadle: "Re: Example of LIFT Text Transcoder solving complexaccessibility issues"
- Previous message: Patrick Lauke: "RE: Example of LIFT Text Transcoder solving complexaccessibility issues"
- Next message in Thread: Philip Kiff: "RE: LIFT Text Transcoder"
- Previous message in Thread: Jason Taylor: "Re: LIFT Text Transcoder"
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> Jason Taylor
> I hope you agree that having this ability to quickly improve a sites
> access without having to find and schedule the changes on the original
> site is powerful. Although we would agree and continue to
> encourage our
> customers in better original design (we even sell tools to help with
> this), many times the resources are not allocated quickly enough and
> assistive users get left out. With this solution we can act
> as a partner
> to the organization and help quickly to improve vast amounts
> of content.
However, particularly in certain management circles, LIFT won't be seen as
a transitional solution (until the original is made more accessible), but
as a permanent one (why do we now need to make the original more accessible?
we've just spent money on that text only version, that covers us doesn't it?)
Patrick H. Lauke
Web Editor / University of Salford
Web Standards Project (WaSP) Accessibility Task Force
- Next message: Tim Beadle: "Re: Example of LIFT Text Transcoder solving complexaccessibility issues"
- Previous message: Patrick Lauke: "RE: Example of LIFT Text Transcoder solving complexaccessibility issues"
- Next message in Thread: Philip Kiff: "RE: LIFT Text Transcoder"
- Previous message in Thread: Jason Taylor: "Re: LIFT Text Transcoder"
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