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Re: are there any accessibility testing best practices
From: Jon Gunderson
Date: Aug 23, 2006 8:00AM
- Next message: Emma Duke-Williams: "Re: are there any accessibility testing best practices"
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- Previous message in Thread: Erik Ladinsky: "RE: are there any accessibility testing best practices"
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The University of Illinois at Urbana/Champaign is developing a set of best
practices for web accessibility and two free tools to help people verify the
use of the best practices.
HTML Web Accessibility Best Practices
Mozilla/Firefox Accessibility Extension
Functional Web Accessibility Evaluation Tool
On 8/21/06, Shrirang Sahasrabudhe < <EMAIL REMOVED> > wrote:
> Hi all,
> Are there any best practices followed in accessibility testing area?
> I am curious to know this because so far I have come across best practices
> only for design and development.
> Thanks
> Shri
> ***********************************************************
> If you try, you risk failure. If you don't, you ensure it....I try.
> Shrirang Sahasrabudhe,
> Pune, India.
> Phone: 0091-020-4227558.
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- Next message: Emma Duke-Williams: "Re: are there any accessibility testing best practices"
- Previous message: Erik Ladinsky: "RE: are there any accessibility testing best practices"
- Next message in Thread: Emma Duke-Williams: "Re: are there any accessibility testing best practices"
- Previous message in Thread: Erik Ladinsky: "RE: are there any accessibility testing best practices"
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