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Re: Navigation lists and headers - best practise?
From: Penny Roberts
Date: Aug 24, 2006 3:40AM
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- Previous message in Thread: Penny Roberts: "Re: Navigation lists and headers - best practise?"
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Jon Gunderson wrote:
> It allows navigation bars:
> 1. Many browsers and assistive technologies allow for header navigation
But is it a necessity? (I'm not saying that it *isn't* I'm just
inviting discussion.)
> 2. When stylesheets are turned off the list of links has a label related to what the links are
But if the page is written so that it still makes sense with style
disabled isn't it still obvious what a list of links is?
The best practice page for this suggests using CSS to hide it from
graphocal rendering so presumably it is really aimed at non-visual
browsers. Could a screen reader user comment on the need for a heading?
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- Previous message in Thread: Penny Roberts: "Re: Navigation lists and headers - best practise?"
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