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Re: accessible image database
From: Joseph O'Connor
Date: Aug 26, 2006 6:20PM
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On Aug 26, 2006, at 11:00 AM, <EMAIL REMOVED>
> Patrick H. Lauke wrote:
> Joseph O'Connor wrote:
>> I'm seeking an image database with an accessible interface.
>> One thing I've come across is:
>> http://scooch.gr0w.com/
>> Scooch is a bit too... well... cute:-)
>> We're looking for a system with digital rights management and no
>> emoticons:-)
> Could you clarify the DRM aspect here? Automatic watermarking?
> Digimark?
Watermarking and a way to order images in higher resolutions with
input of personal/organizational information. We're making our PR
image archive available on line. We'll want to limit access to in-
house use, but from time to time a request will come from
organizations outside of CSUN and we'd like a way to give them access
for a time. An accessible interface is prime on our list with DRM
BTW, about Scooch... Jon Tan of Grow Collective replied to my query
about Scooch (in part):
"...Scooch is *not* a gallery application as all the full images and
thumbnails are held in one document so the more images are added to a
single show the greater the downloading time for that page. The
reason for doing this was to give each slide show a semantic
footprint as a complete document via a single URI on the web. All the
content, including images is therefore discoverable in context and
accessible among other benefits."
Joseph O'Connor
CSUN Manager University Web Communications
- Next message: Vlad Alexander (XStandard): "[gawds_discuss] Keyboard Accessible WYSIWYG Editors"
- Previous message: Patrick H. Lauke: "Re: accessible image database"
- Next message in Thread: Emma Duke-Williams: "Re: accessible image database"
- Previous message in Thread: Patrick H. Lauke: "Re: accessible image database"
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