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[gawds_discuss] Legal Precedent Set for WebAccessibility
From: Robinson, Norman B - Washington, DC
Date: Sep 20, 2006 12:20PM
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Although this is a step forward, I must point out that this was
simply rejecting Target's protest that the ADA did not apply; the law
suit is still in progress. The title being linked is somewhat
I personally look forward to the day when this nonsense is
behind us and all information is accessible. It really is disheartening
that they don't see the value in providing access without being legally
required to take up that responsibility. I hope they rule the ADA does
apply to online resources, realizing the full impact, including the
negative impact, that will have on business.
Norman B. Robinson
- Next message: Shawn Henry: "captcha [was Re: I don't even know what subject headingto put for this question :)]"
- Previous message: Steve Robillard: "RE: I don't even know what subject heading to put for thisquestion :)"
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