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Re: CAPTCHAS [was] Re:? I don't even know what subjectheading to put for this question :)
From: Darrel Austin
Date: Sep 20, 2006 4:40PM
- Next message: Jared Smith: "Re: CAPTCHAS [was] Re:? I don't even know whatsubject heading to put for this question :)"
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- Next message in Thread: Jared Smith: "Re: CAPTCHAS [was] Re:? I don't even know whatsubject heading to put for this question :)"
- Previous message in Thread: Paul Bennett: "RE: Captchas"
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On Sep 20, 2006, at 1:02 PM, Christian Heilmann wrote:
>> We have found that we have a need for
>> it in one area of our site.
Do you REALLY need it?
These are not only often accessible, but usually hard to use and just
plain annoying.
I was helping my father set up a Flickr account the other month and
between the two of us, we had to guess at 4 separate captchas before
we finally got it right.
Just be sure that IF you are using them you have run out of all other
options. Annoying the end-user should always be a last resort.
- Next message: Jared Smith: "Re: CAPTCHAS [was] Re:? I don't even know whatsubject heading to put for this question :)"
- Previous message: Paul Bennett: "RE: Captchas"
- Next message in Thread: Jared Smith: "Re: CAPTCHAS [was] Re:? I don't even know whatsubject heading to put for this question :)"
- Previous message in Thread: Paul Bennett: "RE: Captchas"
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