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Thread: Need Info US PWD Market


Number of posts in this thread: 4 (In chronological order)

From: Pooja.Nahata
Date: Tue, Feb 01 2011 8:51AM
Subject: Need Info US PWD Market
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Can anyone help me with the latest numbers on USA PWD Demographics & Economics? I have dated information from US Census 2000 - has there been an update?

USD 220 Discretionary spending power of 54 millions Americans with disability
18.1% disabled population - USA
In the next 10 years Americans over 50 will increase by 40%

Look forward to hear back!

From: Jared Smith
Date: Tue, Feb 01 2011 9:00AM
Subject: Re: Need Info US PWD Market
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This 2008 census report gives the most up-to-date and accurate
information I'm aware of -
http://www.census.gov/prod/2008pubs/p70-117.pdf (PDF).

Jared Smith

From: Terrill Bennett
Date: Tue, Feb 01 2011 9:24AM
Subject: Re: Need Info US PWD Market
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You may also find something of interest at the following links:

http://www.statedata.info/ which also allows download of data in CSV format:







-- terrill --

From: Jeevan Reddy
Date: Wed, Feb 02 2011 12:06AM
Subject: Re: Need Info US PWD Market
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Hi Pooja,
latest PWD survey was done in 2008 by census.

Please go with the URL:
there you can find detailed report on Disability statistics, Economy, and

On Tue, Feb 1, 2011 at 9:17 PM, < = EMAIL ADDRESS REMOVED = > wrote:

> Hello,
> Can anyone help me with the latest numbers on USA PWD Demographics &
> Economics? I have dated information from US Census 2000 - has there been an
> update?
> USD 220 Discretionary spending power of 54 millions Americans with
> disability
> 18.1% disabled population - USA
> In the next 10 years Americans over 50 will increase by 40%
> Look forward to hear back!