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Thread: Accessible sub menu items


Number of posts in this thread: 6 (In chronological order)

From: Sean Curtis
Date: Wed, Jun 11 2014 1:52AM
Subject: Accessible sub menu items
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Hi List,

I've run into a stumbling block while undertaking some development work I'm
doing to improve the accessibility of a dropdown menu component we use. How
are sub menus handled? We are using the menu and menuitem roles, but there
doesn't seem to be anything in the spec relating to sub menus. I've not had
any luck with Google either, all accessible dropdown menus I find are only

Any info would be greatly appreciated.



From: Bryan Garaventa
Date: Wed, Jun 11 2014 8:02AM
Subject: Re: Accessible sub menu items
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This is controlled by the aria-haspopup attribute, which is documented in
the menuitem role section at

Live demo:

Best wishes,

From: Sean Curtis
Date: Wed, Jun 11 2014 10:55PM
Subject: Re: Accessible sub menu items
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Thanks for the example. We used aria-haspopup on the submenus, but this
only announced for NVDA. JAWS and VO both ignored this. We are looking at
adding an aria-label on these submenus with the content of the node + "
submenu". In our testing this has announced much more consistently across
the screen readers. However it feels like it is a bug that JAWS and VO
don't correctly announce the haspopup correctly. I'll be raising this issue
once we create a reduced test case.



On Thu, Jun 12, 2014 at 12:02 AM, Bryan Garaventa <

> This is controlled by the aria-haspopup attribute, which is documented in
> the menuitem role section at
> http://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria/roles#menuitem
> Live demo:
> http://whatsock.com/tsg/Coding%20Arena/ARIA%20Menus/Vertical%20(Internal%20C
> ontent)/demo.htm
> Best wishes,
> Bryan

From: Bryan Garaventa
Date: Thu, Jun 12 2014 2:40AM
Subject: Re: Accessible sub menu items
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The issue describe may be a bug in VO, which should be explored, but JAWS
has supported aria-haspopup on ARIA Menus since version 11 using IE8.

Are you just setting focus to the container element, or to each child within
the menu?

Both of these are handled differently, but focus movement and the
positioning of the requisite ARIA attributes is critical for this to work

For example, if you set focus to each child, but the element that you set
focus to is not the same element that includes role=menuitem, then this and
its supporting attributes like aria-haspopup will not work correctly.

Similarly, if you set focus to the container element and control selection
without moving focus, then aria-activedescendant must be used to handle
which menuitem is active. As with child node navigation however, if you are
pointing to the ID of an element that is not the same element that includes
role=menuitem, then this will not work correctly either.

Please test the sample I sent using JAWS, and you will hear 'submenu' when
you arrow up and down within the menu items. Confirmed using JAWS 11 through
15 in IE 8 through 11, and in FF.

From: Bryan Garaventa
Date: Thu, Jun 12 2014 2:48AM
Subject: Re: Accessible sub menu items
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Apologies, for some reason Outlook broke up the link. The demo url is
Hopefully this one will paste correctly.

The same demos can be found at

Best wishes,

From: Jonathan C. Cohn
Date: Sun, Jun 15 2014 2:19PM
Subject: Re: Accessible sub menu items
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One other possibility is your virus protection software. WindowEyes has had specific issues when their apps interact with native objects and a specific virus protection suite. I donÂ’t know if this is because of VBS as their scripting language or if the virus protection is actually verifying access to application objects.


Best wishes,


On Jun 12, 2014, at 4:48 AM, Bryan Garaventa < = EMAIL ADDRESS REMOVED = > wrote:

> Apologies, for some reason Outlook broke up the link. The demo url is
> http://whatsock.com/tsg/Coding%20Arena/ARIA%20Menus/Vertical%20(Internal%20C
> ontent)/demo.htm
> Hopefully this one will paste correctly.
> The same demos can be found at
> http://whatsock.com/tsg
> Best wishes,
> Bryan