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Thread: iframe Video


Number of posts in this thread: 7 (In chronological order)

From: JP Jamous
Date: Mon, Dec 05 2016 7:56AM
Subject: iframe Video
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I have a 3rd party video player embedded in a page using a frame. I have the
below questions to get your thoughts on them.

1. Should the page inside the frame have <html lang="en-us"> or is it
okay if we leave that alone? Of course, it is being flagged as an error.

2. Should the same page have a title element in the head element? That
title element is being read by screen readers as the frame title. I was
unable to mask it with <iframe title="Some Text">.

3. Of course, the developers added tabindex of 1 and higher to the
buttons in the video player. I have not tested this, but it should be safe
to remove those and let the browser assign them. The order should remain as
page links, video buttons, page links.


From: Birkir R. Gunnarsson
Date: Mon, Dec 05 2016 8:57AM
Subject: Re: iframe Video
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Is it a<frame> or an<iframe>?

On 12/5/16, JP Jamous < = EMAIL ADDRESS REMOVED = > wrote:
> Folks,
> I have a 3rd party video player embedded in a page using a frame. I have the
> below questions to get your thoughts on them.
> 1. Should the page inside the frame have <html lang="en-us"> or is it
> okay if we leave that alone? Of course, it is being flagged as an error.
> 2. Should the same page have a title element in the head element? That
> title element is being read by screen readers as the frame title. I was
> unable to mask it with <iframe title="Some Text">.
> 3. Of course, the developers added tabindex of 1 and higher to the
> buttons in the video player. I have not tested this, but it should be safe
> to remove those and let the browser assign them. The order should remain as
> page links, video buttons, page links.
> Thanks.
> > > > >

Work hard. Have fun. Make history.

From: JP Jamous
Date: Mon, Dec 05 2016 9:05AM
Subject: Re: iframe Video
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From: Birkir R. Gunnarsson
Date: Mon, Dec 05 2016 9:41AM
Subject: Re: iframe Video
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Then I believe the lang attribute is not necessary (unless the video
controls are in a language other than that of the page).
I don't think it matters how you provide the accessible name for the
iframe, I just recommend using the title attribute on the <iframe>
element, but usingthe <title> element inside it should be ok as well.
Using tabindex>0 is surefire trouble, definitely call it under 2.4.3.
If the page contains autoplaying video (video that plays automatically
when page loads) I would recommend having either a skip link to the
player iframe at the top of the page, or a play/pause button that is
the first focusable element on the page (primarily for the benefit of
screen reader users).

On 12/5/16, JP Jamous < = EMAIL ADDRESS REMOVED = > wrote:
> <iframe>

From: JP Jamous
Date: Mon, Dec 05 2016 10:24AM
Subject: Re: iframe Video
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Thank you Birkir. I suggested the same things you mentioned in your reply.

The cool part is that the video does not start automatically. The player also has buttons to turn up or down the volume of the player only without impacting the system volume.

From: Birkir R. Gunnarsson
Date: Mon, Dec 05 2016 11:24AM
Subject: Re: iframe Video
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Makesure the player also has a button for toggling closed captions
(when they are available, per WCAG 1.2.2).
That button should be keyboard accessible and properly marked for
screen reader users.
It should also support integration of an audiodescription channel, and
the UI should have a button for toggling audio descriptions where
This requirement is trickier. Often people just go with creating an
alternative version of the video with audio descriptions built-in,
rather than adding a separate audio track.
It is good to make video player vendors aware of this requirement (WCAG 1.2.5).
Personally, even though I am blind myself, I'd prefer it if the audio
description requirement to be AAA, and make an extended transcript
requirement a AA instead.
But that is a discussion left for another day.

On 12/5/16, JP Jamous < = EMAIL ADDRESS REMOVED = > wrote:
> Thank you Birkir. I suggested the same things you mentioned in your reply.
> The cool part is that the video does not start automatically. The player
> also has buttons to turn up or down the volume of the player only without
> impacting the system volume.

From: Jonathan Avila
Date: Fri, Dec 09 2016 8:08AM
Subject: Re: iframe Video
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JP, I think what you are asking is an iFrame considered an embedded part of a web page and thus you do not need to follow requirements to set the title element and lang of the page -- or is a frame considered a separate web page. It is my understanding from reading the definition of web page in WCAG 2 that an iframe would likely be considered embedded part of the parent web page and thus as such you would not need to treat it likely a separate page.

Web page
a non-embedded resource obtained from a single URI using HTTP plus any other resources that are used in the rendering or intended to be rendered together with it by a user agent
Note 1: Although any "other resources" would be rendered together with the primary resource, they would not necessarily be rendered simultaneously with each other.
Note 2: For the purposes of conformance with these guidelines, a resource must be "non-embedded" within the scope of conformance to be considered a Web page.


Jonathan Avila
Chief Accessibility Officer
703.637.8957 (Office)

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