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Thread: Maroon on white turns to all white for individual with colorblindness?


Number of posts in this thread: 3 (In chronological order)

From: Robert Fentress
Date: Mon, May 21 2018 8:20AM
Subject: Maroon on white turns to all white for individual with colorblindness?
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Hello, all.

We've recently had an anonymous report that an individual with some form of
colorblindness (again, unspecified) has had an issue with a particular
color combination that is central to our brand. It has to do with 36px
text where the colors are #FFFFFF on #861F41, which is white on maroon.
The report is that this user sees this combination as all white. The
combination meets WCAG AAA color contrast requirements and appears visible
in all colorblindness simulators we've tried, so, for the life of me, I
can't imagine what could be causing this issue. We're trying to see if the
person would be willing to self-identify, so we can confirm what is, at
present, a second-hand report, but does anyone have any ideas on what could
be causing this?


*Rob Fentress*
*Web Accessibility Solutions Designer*
Assistive Technologies at Virginia Tech
Electronic Business Card (vCard)
LinkedIn Profile
VT Zoom Personal Conferencing <https://virginiatech.zoom.us/my/rob.fentress>

From: Angela French
Date: Mon, May 21 2018 9:38AM
Subject: Re: Maroon on white turns to all white for individual withcolorblindness?
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Is it possible they have background colors turned off somehow?

From: Mallory
Date: Wed, May 23 2018 7:07AM
Subject: Re: Maroon on white turns to all white for individual with colorblindness?
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Yeah, it sounds like the user's eye is not turning such a dark colour to white, but that it's happening somewhere in the hardware/software... I could be wrong but I'd be looking there to start.


On Mon, May 21, 2018, at 5:38 PM, Angela French wrote:
> Is it possible they have background colors turned off somehow?