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Thread: Dynamic page query
Number of posts in this thread: 2 (In chronological order)
From: mhysnm1964
Date: Wed, Jul 04 2018 2:36AM
Subject: Dynamic page query
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If a web site is a single page (dynamic) design. I have a couple of
questions on WCAG SC failures.
1. If there is an link that is used to expand and collapse parts of
the page. The Screen reader does not get reported the current state of the
link. I assume SC 4.1.2 applies here. Any others?
2. Should the focus move to the first shown interactive element or stay
on the link which you have just activated to expand to reveal the extra
options? Failure on what SC?
3. If a normal link updates the page, should the focus move to the
beginning of the new content? If this is correct, what SC failure?
4. 4. Tables, the header row does this have to be the first column or
can it be defined to make the contextual understanding of where the screen
reader user is currently in the table to make more sense. For example, the
first column might have the same information in each cell while the 2nd
column has more meaningful information.
5. Is it a requirement to notify the user the current link will open in
a new tab or window? If so, again which SC?
6. Now for the biggie. Title of page. The current implementation I find
very nice in this web site I am looking at. If you are in a section of the
page. The title of the page is announced then the current header section.
For example "Sample page Heading 2 test equipment". If you are located in a
different part of the page the last part of the title changes. This has been
tested with Jaws using the insert+t command for title of window. Thus far so
good. The challenge is when a new page is open with the same beginning title
""Sample page" and the same method is used for the new page. This brings an
issue of the user knowing which tab or window they are in. I feel this
becomes a failure of title page. Thoughts?
From: glen walker
Date: Thu, Jul 05 2018 3:05PM
Subject: Re: Dynamic page query
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1. Yes, that would fail 4.1.2. The state of the element,
expanded/collapsed, is not being surfaced. aria-expanded should be used.
As a side note, a link usually navigates you somewhere whereas a button
performs some action. An element that controls the expanded state of
another object should probably be a button, not a link.
2. In general, focus should not be moved off the element that was just
selected. However, for a true SPA, this might not apply because selecting
a "Next" button (or similar) will reload the current page with new info.
In that case, you would want to move the focus to the heading of that page,
or have the heading read and focused on the first interactive object. But
your specific question was regarding expanding/collapsing a section. In
that case, I would not move the focus.
3. I sort of answered that in #2. If you have an SPA, then the user should
be notified about the new content and the focus should probably be moved.
4. If I understand your question correctly, a table row header (<th
scope="row">) does not technically have to be the first column in the
table. However, some screen readers will not read the row header for any
table cells that are before that header. That sounds a little confusing so
consider this example. You have six columns in your table. The third
column is the row header. As you navigate horizontally across a row, the
row header (third column cell) may not be read for cells one and two. It
will be read for cells four, five, and six.
5. Not really. You might be able to apply 2.4.4 but there isn't really an
official recommendation that a link must have extra information that it
will open in a new tab/window. However, it's a good UX practice to do so.
6. As long as you have a page title that "describes [the] topic or
purpose", then you satisfy 2.4.2. As far as what to put in the title to
satisfy the "topic and purpose" is up to you, the designers, and UX experts.
On Wed, Jul 4, 2018 at 2:36 AM, < = EMAIL ADDRESS REMOVED = > wrote:
> All,
> If a web site is a single page (dynamic) design. I have a couple of
> questions on WCAG SC failures.
> 1. If there is an link that is used to expand and collapse parts of
> the page. The Screen reader does not get reported the current state of the
> link. I assume SC 4.1.2 applies here. Any others?
> 2. Should the focus move to the first shown interactive element or
> stay
> on the link which you have just activated to expand to reveal the extra
> options? Failure on what SC?
> 3. If a normal link updates the page, should the focus move to the
> beginning of the new content? If this is correct, what SC failure?
> 4. 4. Tables, the header row does this have to be the first column or
> can it be defined to make the contextual understanding of where the screen
> reader user is currently in the table to make more sense. For example, the
> first column might have the same information in each cell while the 2nd
> column has more meaningful information.
> 5. Is it a requirement to notify the user the current link will open
> in
> a new tab or window? If so, again which SC?
> 6. Now for the biggie. Title of page. The current implementation I
> find
> very nice in this web site I am looking at. If you are in a section of the
> page. The title of the page is announced then the current header section.
> For example "Sample page Heading 2 test equipment". If you are located in a
> different part of the page the last part of the title changes. This has
> been
> tested with Jaws using the insert+t command for title of window. Thus far
> so
> good. The challenge is when a new page is open with the same beginning
> title
> ""Sample page" and the same method is used for the new page. This brings an
> issue of the user knowing which tab or window they are in. I feel this
> becomes a failure of title page. Thoughts?
> Sean
> > > > >