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Thread: Time limit is essential


Number of posts in this thread: 3 (In chronological order)

From: Date: Tue, Oct 08 2019 1:13AM
Subject: Time limit is essential
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Based on 2.2.1 Timing Adjustable, the essential exception is the following:

"if removed, would fundamentally change the information or functionality
of the content, and information and functionality cannot be achieved in
another way that would conform ."

I am in doubt that if is a company offer a special discount available
for 60 seconds is essential exception or not? This is not listed in
success criterion 2.2.1.



On 2018. 07. 12. 21:43, glen walker wrote:
> Yes, it could be interpreted that way, but if a toast message really has
> information that needs to be read within a certain time period, then
> perhaps using a toast message is not appropriate. That's why I tried to
> qualify my previous response by saying that a "toast is being used for its
> intended purpose".
> On Thu, Jul 12, 2018 at 7:11 AM, Tim Harshbarger <
>> So I was curious about this.
>> When I read guideline 2.2 (Enough Time), it does mention that it is
>> essential to give users enough time to read information. I would think
>> that would mean that the required user action/task refers to the idea that,
>> in order for the user to be able to utilize the toast, they need enough
>> time to be able to read the information in the toast?
>> Thanks,
>> Tim
> > > > >

From: Patrick H. Lauke
Date: Tue, Oct 08 2019 1:58AM
Subject: Re: Time limit is essential
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On 08/10/2019 08:13, Edelényi Zsolt wrote:
> I am in doubt that if is a company offer a special discount available
> for 60 seconds is essential exception or not? This is not listed in
> success criterion 2.2.1.

No it's not, unless it's tied to something that goes beyond "because the
company decided to do so".

In the case of an auction site like ebay, a time limit is essential
because that's the fundamental nature of what an auction actually
is...the person who offered the most money at a particular specified
moment in time wins the auction.

A company that decides to offer a discount but only for 60 seconds has
no reason to do that other than "we want to rush people to buy to
generate a perceived artificial scarcity / pressure people into making a
purchase before they can calmly consider it". If the company simply
didn't have the time limit, it would not change the fundamental nature
of the act of purchasing - it's not that it's something that goes bad /
disappears / becomes unavailable somehow after 60 seconds. It's a purely
arbitrary decision on the part of the site.

Patrick H. Lauke

www.splintered.co.uk | https://github.com/patrickhlauke
http://flickr.com/photos/redux/ | http://redux.deviantart.com
twitter: @patrick_h_lauke | skype: patrick_h_lauke

From: Mark Magennis
Date: Wed, Oct 09 2019 2:24AM
Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL] Time limit is essential
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I'm inclined to disagree with you here Patrick. I know exactly what you're saying but I would think the company may deem it an essential part of the offering. Limited time offers are extremely common (e.g. Summer Sale, January Sales, Black Friday). It's less usual to have a time limit as short as 60 seconds but it is arguable that the principle is the same. Without the time limit, it may not make commercial sense to make the offer at all so "functionality cannot be achieved in another way that would conform".

Even if the time limit isn't required for the fundamental act of purchasing, it may be required for the fundamental act of marketing. I'm not defending manipulative marketing practices but websites that sell things are not just there to support buying, they're there to support selling too.


Mark Magennis
Skillsoft | mobile: +353 87 60 60 162
Accessibility Specialist