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Thread: Books on making Android apps a11y.


Number of posts in this thread: 3 (In chronological order)

From: Murphy, Sean
Date: Wed, Apr 08 2020 11:46PM
Subject: Books on making Android apps a11y.
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Previously I posted a message on a book on developing accessible iOS aps. I was wondering if anyone knew of such a book for Android? As looking through the Android documentation isn't very straight forward.


From: Brian Lovely
Date: Thu, Apr 09 2020 7:47AM
Subject: Re: [External Sender] Books on making Android apps a11y.
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Sean, I am very interested in books on both accessible iOS and Android
development. I tried searching the archive for your previous message but
couldn't find it. Can you provide me with a link to the thread?

On Thu, Apr 9, 2020 at 1:47 AM Murphy, Sean <

> All,
> Previously I posted a message on a book on developing accessible iOS aps.
> I was wondering if anyone knew of such a book for Android? As looking
> through the Android documentation isn't very straight forward.
> Sean
> > > https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://list.webaim.org/__;!!EFVe01R3CjU!MmHD4FHE1c096I4DowgVE-3XuylPArSIR5Z0IqBJU3FgUNpJtA8M5wdqi45lo1acPqchCw$
> List archives at
> https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://webaim.org/discussion/archives__;!!EFVe01R3CjU!MmHD4FHE1c096I4DowgVE-3XuylPArSIR5Z0IqBJU3FgUNpJtA8M5wdqi45lo1a408t4FA$
> >

*Brian Lovely*
Capital One Digital Accessibility

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From: Murphy, Sean
Date: Fri, Apr 10 2020 1:29AM
Subject: Re: [External Sender] Books on making Android apps a11y.
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Brian, I found the book on Bookshare. It is called Developing Accessible iOS apps publish date 2019.

I would like to find a similar book. As all the books thus far I have reviewed on Android do not talk about accessibility.
