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Thread: print style sheets (Re: Welcome to the WebAIM Discus sion List)


Number of posts in this thread: 2 (In chronological order)

From: Austin, Darrel
Date: Fri, Feb 04 2005 8:31AM
Subject: Re: print style sheets (Re: Welcome to the WebAIM Discus sion List)
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> Must be Friday, 'cause I can't see what point you are trying to make
> here. If it in favour of alternate print versions, (as opposed to
> print stylesheets) then I think that you have got it wrong.
> WCAG 11.4 states: "If, after best efforts, you cannot create an
> accessible page, provide a link to an alternative page..."
> That point alone goes against the provision of Print Versions.
> Your refernce to users with learning impairments is weak as well - if
> they can't handle the page as is, how are they supposed to learn to
> look for a 'Print' button/icon when they want to get rid of the
> distracting images etc.?

As many have said, even those without any need for AT find 'print versions'
very useful.

Ideally, you'd have a 'print version' link, as well as use print CSS for the
screen version.

I agree that a 'print version' shouldn't be used as an excuse to NOT make
your screen version accessible, but I think most would agree that no matter
how accessible your screen version is, a very simple, content-centric print
version can still be a nice thing for the end-user.


From: Austin, Darrel
Date: Fri, Feb 04 2005 8:54AM
Subject: Re: print style sheets (Re: Welcome to the WebAIM Discus sion List)
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> One of us is missing something here - what I mean is that on certain
> sites I
> always click on the 'Print Version' button as soon as the page loads,
> not
> that I link to that page.

Well, then the ads load, right?

> I presume that if you implemented a block like you suggested, you
> would make
> the 'normal' page load instead of the print version, so there would
> then be
> nothing stopping the user clicking the 'Print Version' button at that
> point.

If the concern is getting ad impressions, then yes, that was what my
suggestion was for. All links from outside the site go to the 'screen'
version, thereby showing the ads, and from there, the visitor can click on
the print version.

I'm not a fan of this, but I'm just saying that if ad impressions are
important, it's one way to make sure they remain.
