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Thread: Visual Studio.Net 2003 and accessibility


Number of posts in this thread: 4 (In chronological order)

From: Michael R. Burks
Date: Fri, Mar 17 2006 8:10AM
Subject: Visual Studio.Net 2003 and accessibility
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Does anyone know of any information about building accessible web sites with
Visual Studio.Net 2003?

Seems like it is heavily used and I am wondering if anyone has seen anything
about it an building accessible web sites with it.


Mike Burks

From: Austin, Darrel
Date: Fri, Mar 17 2006 8:30AM
Subject: RE: Visual Studio.Net 2003 and accessibility
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> Does anyone know of any information about building accessible
> web sites with Visual Studio.Net 2003?

VS.net is just the IDE for writing ASP.net code. So, accessibility
issues are really about the developer moreso than the tool.

Version 2003, while popular, does produce pretty crappy markup if you
let it. Most folks that want control over the markup use VS.net for
their back end development and another editor (like Dreamweaver) to
maintain the front end markup.

In addition, in .net 1.1, a lot of the built-in controls spit out pretty
bad markup. As such, I've resorted to writing a lot of my own controls
that manually build the HTML. Kind of defeats the purpose of .net, but
was the only way to get control over my output.

Supposedly, asp.net 2.0 as well as the Visual Studio 2005 product line
fix a lot of these issues.


From: Christian Heilmann
Date: Fri, Mar 17 2006 9:00AM
Subject: Re: Visual Studio.Net 2003 and accessibility
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> In addition, in .net 1.1, a lot of the built-in controls spit out pretty
> bad markup. As such, I've resorted to writing a lot of my own controls
> that manually build the HTML. Kind of defeats the purpose of .net, but
> was the only way to get control over my output.
> Supposedly, asp.net 2.0 as well as the Visual Studio 2005 product line
> fix a lot of these issues.

Yes and no. I've attended a course on VS2005, and it does produce
better code and also allows for templating like dreamweaver does
rather than creating lots of small includes. However, the developer
once again has too many options to mess things up. VS.NET is a typical
IDE that assumes the developer knows everything while normally that is
never the case.

Chris Heilmann
Blog: http://www.wait-till-i.com
Writing: http://icant.co.uk/
Binaries: http://www.onlinetools.org/

From: Karl Dawson
Date: Fri, Mar 17 2006 9:10AM
Subject: Re: Visual Studio.Net 2003 and accessibility
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On 17/03/06, Michael R. Burks < = EMAIL ADDRESS REMOVED = > wrote:
> Does anyone know of any information about building accessible web sites with
> Visual Studio.Net 2003?
> Seems like it is heavily used and I am wondering if anyone has seen anything
> about it an building accessible web sites with it.
> Sincerely,
> Mike Burks

You may already have these bookmarks, but just in case:


May be of help? There's also a trail of links leading off from those two..


Karl Dawson
Accessites Team Member - http://www.accessites.org/

"The power of the Web is in its universality. Access by everyone
regardless of disability is an essential aspect."
Tim Berners-Lee - W3C Director and inventor of the World Wide Web