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Thread: Financial Information Forum, Icons Not Links


Number of posts in this thread: 3 (In chronological order)

From: David Russell
Date: Fri, Apr 07 2023 7:19AM
Subject: Financial Information Forum, Icons Not Links
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Dear List Members,
What may be the reasoning for websites using icons rather than links
as part of their registration process?
The financial information form, seems to use icons and or mouse
clicks rather than links or even buttons.
Is there away around this for those dependent on the keyboard and
general screen reader?
Two particular websites noted are Draft2Digital.com and B&NPress.com.
Would utilizing a service such as Be My Eyes be recommended in the short-term?

Thank you for your input in advance.

David C. Russell, Author

From: Andrews, David B (DEED)
Date: Fri, Apr 07 2023 7:47AM
Subject: Re: Financial Information Forum, Icons Not Links
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Using Be My Eyes is an accommodation, not accessibility.


-----Original Message-----
From: WebAIM-Forum < = EMAIL ADDRESS REMOVED = > On Behalf Of David Russell
Sent: Friday, April 7, 2023 8:20 AM
Subject: [WebAIM] Financial Information Forum, Icons Not Links

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Dear List Members,
What may be the reasoning for websites using icons rather than links as part of their registration process?
The financial information form, seems to use icons and or mouse
clicks rather than links or even buttons.
Is there away around this for those dependent on the keyboard and general screen reader?
Two particular websites noted are Draft2Digital.com and B&NPress.com.
Would utilizing a service such as Be My Eyes be recommended in the short-term?

Thank you for your input in advance.

David C. Russell, Author

From: glen walker
Date: Fri, Apr 07 2023 12:31PM
Subject: Re: Financial Information Forum, Icons Not Links
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I looked at https://www.draft2digital.com/register/ and
https://press.barnesandnoble.com/create-account. You mentioned the
registration process so I was guessing you meant those two pages.

I see that draft2digital has inaccessible (via the keyboard) tooltip icons
for some of the fields. Is that what you are referring to when you say the
website is using icons? The icons are images nested in label elements and
the images don't have alt text. It's a bit odd that both firefox and chrome
are not announcing the unlabeled image when I navigate to them with the
down arrow key in NVDA and JAWS. I thought the src attribute might be
announced but it's completely silent. If I navigate with the G key to go to
the next graphic, it's skipped over as if it has a blank alt attribute or
aria-hidden (but it doesn't).

I couldn't find a way to get NVDA or JAWS to read the tooltip text. At one
point, the screen reader on chrome told me "To get missing image
descriptions, open the context menu.". So I tried the context menu and
there was a "Get image descriptions from Google" in the context menu so I
selected "Just once". After that, JAWS (but not NVDA) would let me
navigate to the image and it would say "question mark icon graphic". I
still couldn't get the actual tooltip text.

Interesting side note. In the footer of the draft2digital, there are social
media icons. They all use a font-awesome icon but the icons have
aria-hidden set so they're all skipped over and ignored by the screen
reader, except the tiktok icon, which has an image nested in the icon. The
icon does not have aria-hidden and the image has alt text so it's announced

I didn't find any icons on the Barnes and Noble registration page.