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Thread: little support yet for lang attrib


Number of posts in this thread: 1 (In chronological order)

From: Chris
Date: Sun, Feb 03 2002 12:35AM
Subject: little support yet for lang attrib
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Perhaps if a whole document is declared in a particular language, then the
talking browsers (I have tested WebSound, WeMedia, and JAWS) can speak with
the proper accents. However, I can say from my trials that none of the three
browsers listed seem to recognize the "lang" attribute when I surround
French and German proper names with <span> tags in an html document. I had
high hopes that JAWS at least would say these names properly, but apparently
these talking media browser programmers have not yet included recognition of
the world wide web consortium's "lang" attribute in html code.

For anyone who has contact with said programmers, I happily volunteer my
test page at http://www.TheBicyclingGuitarist.net/studies/eagles.htm for
them to use with their products. I have been assured by people in the
comp.infosystems.www.authoring.html newsgroup that my use of lang in span
tags is correct, even if no-one else seems to be doing it yet! Another
chicken and egg case of browsers not recognizing standards that nobody
writes for, and vice versa.

Peace, Chris Watson

my personal disability, neurological problems on the autistic spectrum, is
raising hell with my personal life right now. I am being asked to leave my
home and family, including my three-year-old daughter, mainly because of my
problems in relation to my eleven-year-old stepson who has problems of his
own related to Tourette's syndrome...This really sucks. My parents are dead.
The band I founded broke up years ago, and I have since realized that the
few acquaintances I had in my life in the past were never friends but were
either using me or putting me down or both. I am a senior at Sonoma State
University attending half-time. The semester has just started, there is no
money left after paying bills and creditors, it is cold outside, I don't
want to lose my home and family, and even my stepson's mother regrets what
is going on but sees no alternative. Pray for us, please, especially for the

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