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Thread: RE: spacing


Number of posts in this thread: 1 (In chronological order)

From: Joe Clark
Date: Fri, Mar 10 2006 1:30PM
Subject: RE: spacing
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>I have no problem with that technique or valid code in general. My
>problem is with the categorical dismissal of any suggestion that
>doesn't validate. If a technique works in browsers and works for the
>users, and the site is monitored and updated as user-agent support
>changes over time, is it a horrible thing if it doesn't validate

Since the only real-world example I can think of is embed, which
works and can be added to a DTD, vs. object, which doesn't work and
is already in DTDs, the answer is a qualified yes, it is a horrible
thing. But if the only thing that's invalid on your page is embed, I
can barely muster any outrage anymore. Or sneering, for that matter.
Or even the mildest milquetoast objection, if it came to that.


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