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Thread: Re: More data on accesskeys (New article written Nov. 1)


Number of posts in this thread: 1 (In chronological order)

From: Joshue O Connor
Date: Fri, Nov 03 2006 8:20AM
Subject: Re: More data on accesskeys (New article written Nov. 1)
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John Foliot - WATS.ca wrote:

> I would only add that my little list is hardly "definitive", although
>> the research is/was solid at it's initial printing (2003).

Hi John,

It pretty comprehensive. Its a clear guide to where there could be
problems with accesskeys.



> Alastair Campbell wrote:
>> Josh wrote:
>>> At the risk of upsetting a hornets nest here, can you please point to
>>> any resources which indicate exactly what UA key combinations are
>>> mostly effected by user defined access keys?
>> There's a list of browser, OS & access technology keys here:
>> http://www.wats.ca/show.php?contentid=43
> Thanks Alastair (time differences being what they are).
> Josh, I would only add that my little list is hardly "definitive", although
> the research is/was solid at it's initial printing (2003). I try to keep it
> up-to-date, but (for example) the keystrokes for JAWS are based on JAWS 5
> (and we've come some way since then).
> None-the-less, it is (if nothing else) a cautionary list which hopefully
> illustrates the foibles of author declared accelerator keys - one thing I
> have not tracked for that list is the numerous Firefox extensions that have
> started to implement an (ALT+__) style "hotkey" for their particular
> function - which introduces a whole new layer of confusion.
> Andy Mabbett wrote:
>>> True, and several links were provided earlier in the thread to
>>> implementations,
>> Sorry; I seem to have missed those.
> - http://juicystudio.com/article/user-defined-accesskeys.php
> - http://juicystudio.com/article/user-defined-access-keys-aspversion.php
> There are others...
>> Again, my proposal is precisely the opposite. The user would
>> configure their UA, once, regardless of which sites they subsequently
>> visit.
> This is pretty much how and what the ACCESS element and @role attribute are
> envisioned to do.
> Jon Gunderson, (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) has set up some
> test cases that require the iCATA Accessibility Toolbar extension for
> Mozilla/Firefox to demonstrate (proof of concept)
> - http://www.cita.uiuc.edu/software/mozilla/
> - http://firefox.cita.uiuc.edu/test/ts-test-page-role.php
>> That is what I'm proposing!
> Not to flog a dead horse, but may I also point you to:
> Access + Key Still Equals Accesskey -
> http://www.wats.ca/show.php?contentid=47
> ...where I detail my concerns on *how* the W3C are proposing this (the
> inclusion of the @key attribute)
> The proposed solution (which still has not made it to the draft spec) for
> conflict resolution would go something along the lines of:
> User-defined key mappings take precedence over all
> User Agent mappings (including AT tools) follow
> Author suggested mappings if none specified (although this still
> does not address discoverability)
> JF
> --
> Web Accessibility Specialist
> WATS.ca - Web Accessibility Testing and Services
> http://www.wats.ca


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