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Thread: Google JS tools


Number of posts in this thread: 1 (In chronological order)

From: John Foliot
Date: Thu, Nov 05 2009 5:10PM
Subject: Google JS tools
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One of the developers on my campus has taken a look at the Google Closure
tools, just released. I've not had a chance to review these results with
him fully, but I trust his initial feedback



> I looked into these tools because by their very name and description
> they sounded encouraging. However, I was not impressed with what I
> found.
> Closure Compiler failed me, as it can't compile very large .js files.
> This is unfortunate because it's large .js files that most need
> minification and optimization. I will continue to use YUI compressor.
> For small files, the Google Compiler might be ok, but the long-
> standing JS Minifier has for many years already served this purpose:
> http://fmarcia.info/jsmin/test.html
> .
> Closure templates' utility escapes me. Seems overwrought. A big
> warning sign for me was that I saw examples rife with presentational
> elements like BR and HR tags. Those tags are not exactly of the devil,
> but let's just say that it is indicative of a certain perspective that
> I try to avoid. Furthermore, the examples provided illustrate the use
> of JavaScript as an exclusive delivery mechanism for markup. This
> conflicts with the ideal of using JavaScript as an enhancement to
> markup, or a behavioral layer. This could lead to accessibility issues.
> Furthermore, Google Closures requires adopting new tools and new
> syntax? No thanks.
> Closure Library is undeveloped and poorly documented. I think we're
> better off sticking with YUI or JQuery. I was also struck that their
> examples did not include links to working examples. This illustrates
> the nascent state of these products.
> Finally, I'm sure we all noted that this is in some ways a technology
> that competes with Google Web Toolkit, which lets you write in Java
> but deploy as JavaScript.
> Put it all together and my guess is that there is a small group at
> Google that has developed these tools into a useful part of their
> workflow. They've now decided to publish and share their work via
> Google Labs. And indeed we could adopt it, contribute to it, and build
> on it. But it seems to me a poor choice considering the well developed
> and well documented nature of YUI and (the more fractured, but
> certainly very elegant) JQuery.
> However, Chrome and the developer tools within Chrome, such as the
> various inspectors and step-through Javascript debugging, are a boon
> to javascript developers. I would encourage all serious javascript
> developers to learn more about the JavaScript development tools within
> Chrome, Safari, and other WebKit based browsers. Check out
> http://developer.apple.com/safari/library/documentation/AppleApplicatio
> ns/Conceptual/Safari_Developer_Guide/UsingtheWebInspector/UsingtheWebIn
> spector.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40007874-CH4-SW1
> James Alley
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