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Thread: Question of Rel and Rev


Number of posts in this thread: 1 (In chronological order)

From: John Hicks
Date: Wed, Apr 27 2011 7:57AM
Subject: Question of Rel and Rev
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... well, I tried asking erstwhile websavvy folk in the immediate
vicinity, with no concrete replies yet...

It is about the rel and rev attributes of the <a ... > tag.

From my point of view these attributes are only of interest in
describing the relationship between two documents.
They are not really useful for example, and shouldn't be used, in same
page links (either anchors or javascript expand/collapse functions) and
using them in these cases is an error.

(I know it might not break rules, but it seems to me to add nothing
other than clutter and mis-use).

So... Anyone got 2 cents to throw my way?

Best wishes,


Ingénieur Consultant en Accessibilité
Docteur en Sciences Cognitives

www.Urbilog.fr -- Solutions Accessibles