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Thread: Applying ARIA roles in a CMS


Number of posts in this thread: 1 (In chronological order)

From: E.J. Zufelt
Date: Wed, Jun 08 2011 5:03PM
Subject: Applying ARIA roles in a CMS
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Good evening,

I have been working today on mapping ARIA roles to blocks in Drupal 8 COre (don't get excited, release is years away). A block is a chunck of information, such as login block, who's online, search form, etc.

I would like to get the groups opinions on two issues:

1. Is there value in marking a login form with role=form. This doesn't really add any semantics to the document, as <form> is semantic, but it does add a landmark, which * may * aid navigation on the page.

2. For blocks that are complementary, but that also contain navigation (e.g. recent articles), which role would seem most suitable? I was thinking navigation, as it seems more specific than complementary.

Everett Zufelt

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