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Thread: Re: SPAM-LOW: Making images readable from JAWS


Number of posts in this thread: 1 (In chronological order)

From: Dawn Budge
Date: Wed, Sep 07 2011 7:39AM
Subject: Re: SPAM-LOW: Making images readable from JAWS
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1) there is no alt text on your image. Change title to alt

2) you are listening for a click event on an image element, but image
elements cannot receive focus from the keyboard. I blogged about this a
while back because I keep seeing it.
http://www.dawnbudge.co.uk/index.php/2009/08/get-some-focus/ You need to
listen for the click on the anchor.

3) you will always need a href on an anchor, even if it is href="#". Use
return false at the end of your javascript function to stop it from going
to the top of the page

4) you don't need javascript: in the onclick attribute.

Finally, if you can find a way to use seperate out your javascript from
your HTML using an approach like progressive enhancement, that is
preferable to using inline event handlers, but that isn't a solution I can
give you in a couple of lines.

Hope that helps.


From: "suman damera" < = EMAIL ADDRESS REMOVED = >

Sent: 07 September 2011 05:15


Subject: SPAM-LOW: [WebAIM] Making images readable from JAWS


JAWS 11 is not able to read the image.This images is emebed into a

jquery datatable (http://www.datatables.net/)

This line of code is written on the server side in python.

Can someone let us know what is the correct way to do it and make it

readable through JAWS.

edit_link = "<a href="javascript:void(0);"><img class=center

clickable src=img/chunkedit.gif title=Edit

onclick=javascript:edit_t(%d)></a>" % (asgn.id)


edit_link = "<a ><img class=center clickable

src=img/chunkedit.gif title=Edit

onclick=javascript:edit_t(%d)></a>" % (asgn.id)
