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Thread: Quote


Number of posts in this thread: 1 (In chronological order)

From: Elaine Nelson
Date: Mon, May 06 2002 2:17PM
Subject: Quote
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I found this little tidbit today which might be of interest in this discussion:


he uses a combination of the q tag and CSS...

from the entry:
"IE sees the italics declaration, ignores the normal text declaration because it's buggy, and ignores the quotes declaration because it's stupid, then renders quotations in italics. Standards-compliant browsers like Opera, Mozilla, and IE/Mac see the italics declaration and the normal text declaration, which cancel each other out, then see the quotes declaration and surround quotations with curly quotes. Text browsers like Lynx ignore all stylesheets, but Lynx still sees the Q tag and correctly surrounds quotations with straight quotes."

Seems like a relatively elegant solution to me. And I'd recommend Dive Into Mark for both thoughts about accessibility and interesting thinking in general.

Elaine Nelson
http://www.pierce.ctc.edu | http://www.epersonae.com

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