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Thread: Call for Posters: ICITST-2016 || December 5-7, 2016, Barcelona, Spain


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From: - -
Date: Mon, May 16 2016 10:41AM
Subject: Call for Posters: ICITST-2016 || December 5-7, 2016, Barcelona, Spain
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<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset=3D"UTF-8">
</head><body>CALL FOR POSTERS!<br><p><br>**********************************=
**************************<br>The 11th International Conference for Interne=
t Technology and Secured Transactions (ICITST-2016) <br>Technical Co-Sponso=
red by IEEE Spanish Section and IEEE Spanish Computer Chapter<br>Venue: Cat=
alonia Barcelona Plaza Hotel<br>December 5-7, 2016, Barcelona, Spain<br>www=
&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160; &#160;<br><br>The ICITST-2016 encourag=
es the submission of poster or demo proposals. <br>All the accepted posters=
and demos will be included in the conference proceedings.<br><br>Important=
Dates:<br>* Poster/Demo Proposal Submission: June 15, 2016&#160;&#160;&#16=
#160;&#160; &#160;<br>* Notification of Poster/Demo Acceptance: June 30, 20=
16<br><br><br>The topics in ICITST-2016 include but are not confined to the=
<br>following areas:<br>&#160;<br>Internet Applications and Technology:<br=
>* Internet Architecture<br>* Internet of things<br>* Broadband Access Tech=
nologies<br>* Application Agents<br>* Boundary Issues of Internet Security<=
br>* Database Management<br>* Data Models for Production Systems and Servic=
es<br>* Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems<br>* IPSec Quality of Se=
rvice<br>* Knowledge Management<br>* Embedded Systems<br>* Defence Systems<=
br><br>Ubi/Cloud Computing:<br>* Authentication and Access Control for Data=
Protection in Ubi/Cloud Computing<br>* Context-Awareness and its Data Mini=
ng for UbiCom<br>* Data Grids<br>* Distributed Information Systems<br>* Hum=
an-Computer Interface and Interaction for UbiCom<br>* Ubiquitous Systems<br=
>* USN/RFID Service<br>* Smart Homes and its Business Model for UbiCom Serv=
ice<br>* Security and its Data Management for UbiCom<br>* Peer to Peer Data=
Management<br>* New Novel Mechanism and Application for Ubi/Cloud Computin=
g<br><br>Information Security:<br>* Trust, Privacy and Data Security<br>* N=
etwork Security Issues and Protocols<br>* Security Challenges and Content A=
uthoring<br>* Cryptography<br>* Secure Communications<br>* Authentication T=
echniques<br>* Chaos-based Data Security<br>* MANET Security <br>* Wireless=
Sensor Network Security<br>* Organization Considerations in Security Polic=
y Formulation and Implementations<br>* Digital Forensics and Crimes<br>* Bi=
ometrics<br>* Cyber Security<br><br>Multimedia and Web Services:<br>* Intel=
ligent Multimedia and its Data Management<br>* Multimedia Information Syste=
ms<br>* Multimedia Security<br>* Web Databases<br>* Web Metrics and its App=
lications<br>* Web Mining including Web Intelligence and Web 3.0.<br>* Web =
Services<br>* XML and other extensible languages<br>* Semantic Web and Onto=
logy<br><br>Infonomics and e-Technology:<br>* Infonomics<br>* Information V=
isualization<br>* Information Management<br>* Information Quality<br>* Tech=
nology-Enabled Information<br>* e-Learning<br>* e-Commerce<br>* e-Business<=
br>* e-Government<br>* e-Society<br>* System Design and Security for e-Serv=
ices<br>* Synchronizing e-Security<br><br>Poster submission: <br>You can su=
bmit your poster online at http://www.icitst.org/#!paper-submission/l4ghv<b=
r>or email it to = EMAIL ADDRESS REMOVED = <br><br>For more details, please contact=
= EMAIL ADDRESS REMOVED = or visit http://www.icitst.org/#!blank/w0xcx</p></body></h=