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Thread: Reports products from web application


Number of posts in this thread: 3 (In chronological order)

From: Christine Holmes
Date: Tue, May 15 2018 3:25PM
Subject: Reports products from web application
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My web application can produce multiple reports depending on information chosen on the reports screen. These reports can be produced in PDF, XL, HTLM and other formats. To be have my web application accessible should the reports it produces be accessible also? If so how do I ensure that the reports are compliant?

Thanks for your help.

Christine Holmes,

From: Meacham, Steve - FSA, Kansas City, MO
Date: Wed, May 16 2018 7:56AM
Subject: Re: Reports products from web application
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"One of the most important changes that the new standard makes is its application on all types of web content, not only HTML documents. More than ever, the new accessibility guidelines for web content make all web documents on the internet susceptible for evaluation in terms of accessibility. Adobe PDF files, Microsoft Power Point presentations and Microsoft Word documents, the most common formats for Internet documents, must comply with the four accessibility principles: perceivable, operable, understandable and robust."

- Quoted from a good article that addresses this in more detail: https://www.upf.edu/hipertextnet/en/numero-7/wcag-2-0.html

From: Lamond, Keith
Date: Wed, May 16 2018 8:06AM
Subject: Re: Reports products from web application
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For checking documents, Adobe includes an Accessibility check in the Accessibility tools in Adobe Pro and Adobe Pro DC. You still need to do some manual verification, but it but it does capture major structural issues that will make a PDF non-accessible.

Microsoft also includes an accessibility checker in their recent version of Office. Again, doesn't replace manual review, but it helps to quickly identify structural issues.

Lastly, NetCentric CommonLook provide a couple of tools for testing and remediation PDFs and Word and PowerPoint documents. CommonLook provides a much more indepth accessibility checking than the built in tools from Microsoft and Adobe.