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Thread: SC 2.1.2 and braille displays/notetakers


Number of posts in this thread: 3 (In chronological order)

From: Michael Ausbun
Date: Thu, Sep 05 2019 8:44AM
Subject: SC 2.1.2 and braille displays/notetakers
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Yesterday, I was discussing Success criteria 2.1.2 no keyboard trap with a colleague and a question came up I did not know how to directly address. I am curious what folks think:
If a person is fully reliant on a braille notetaker device (like the braille note touch or the Polaris) or a braille display for all interactions with web content; and,
If a person is able to shift focus to a component with the braille display or notetaker and cannot shift focus away from said component; but,
If a person were using a keyboard they could shift focus to and from the component; but,
A person does not have access, or know how, to use a keyboard;
Does 2.1.2 still pass?
I have been curious for a while now how certain aspects of WCAG2.1 really benefit braille display users. Being blind and a braille reader, I enjoy my braille display-especially when reading code; however, since I don't really use my braille display for navigation (just reading), I never really thought about this aspect.
I appreciate the feedback
Michael Ausbun

From: Steve Green
Date: Thu, Sep 05 2019 9:46AM
Subject: Re: SC 2.1.2 and braille displays/notetakers
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If you can shift focus to and from the component using a keyboard, why might it not be possible to do so using a Braille display? Have you ever heard of this happening? If it did happen, I am inclined to say that it is a fault with the Braille display rather than a WCAG non-compliance, although I would need to see the code to be certain.

If a website relies entirely on accessibility-supported technologies, which includes keyboards, then it is not a non-compliance if someone does not have one or does not know how to use it.

Steve Green
Managing Director
Test Partners Ltd

From: mhysnm1964
Date: Thu, Sep 05 2019 6:07PM
Subject: Re: SC 2.1.2 and braille displays/notetakers
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Refreshable Braille Displays provide output and input capabilities. They are
fully rely on the screen reader software being used to provide the correct
output information and to handle the input functionality. As the initial
question was related to 2.1.1 which is concern for keyboard navigation and
interaction. If the widget works with a keyboard. Then it will work with a
Braille display input. The user needs to know the commands to achieve this.
Thus if you have a drop down (combo box) for argument sake. If it does not
work with a screen reader without Braille display. It will not work when a
braille display is present.

I hope this helps.

From: WebAIM-Forum < = EMAIL ADDRESS REMOVED = > On Behalf Of Steve
Sent: Friday, 6 September 2019 1:47 AM
To: WebAIM Discussion List < = EMAIL ADDRESS REMOVED = >
Subject: Re: [WebAIM] SC 2.1.2 and braille displays/notetakers

If you can shift focus to and from the component using a keyboard, why might
it not be possible to do so using a Braille display? Have you ever heard of
this happening? If it did happen, I am inclined to say that it is a fault
with the Braille display rather than a WCAG non-compliance, although I would
need to see the code to be certain.

If a website relies entirely on accessibility-supported technologies, which
includes keyboards, then it is not a non-compliance if someone does not have
one or does not know how to use it.

Steve Green
Managing Director
Test Partners Ltd