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From: Mark Magennis
Date: Wed, Oct 09 2019 4:06AM
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Thanks for those insights Steve. I have very limited experience with Dragon users. Although I do understand that, like all assistive technology users, their strategies vary a lot, I always appreciate hearing the views of people with more experience. So it sounds like very few will attempt to operate all controls with a single command in the way I described. However, those that I have come across who do take this approach consider it unacceptable to not be able to. That's why we try to support it. But I agree that they will regularly come across far worse problems than this.

In my particular context I think there's a lot to gain in following this approach for these users. I'm working on a product that makes heavy use of repeated actions for multiple objects. So hopefully, users can get used to the common pattern of the accessible name of an action trigger being "{visible action text} {object text}". This may not be as useful in products that don't have as much repetition of this UI pattern.


Mark Magennis
Skillsoft | mobile: +353 87 60 60 162
Accessibility Specialist