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Thread: Spinners which are using animation to indicate progress.


Number of posts in this thread: 1 (In chronological order)

From: mhysnm1964
Date: Fri, Nov 01 2019 7:39PM
Subject: Spinners which are using animation to indicate progress.
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From a visual point of view. What are some of the gotcha's in relation to a
animated spinner indicating the progress of an web or mobile application
indicating it is busy waiting for an update from the backend server. How
does colour contrast impact here, not only colour and any other aspects
which should be considered in a design?

From a screen reader point of view, the two options I feel would work is
providing text when the spinner is active indicating it is busy which is the
basic information. Otherwise provide a percentage which is updated on a
periodic bases. The challenge of course is do you have it automatically
announce or not. If you use automatic announcement then the frequency of
when ARIA live polite is triggered giving you the percentage or time

