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Thread: Evaluating Twitter Feed


Number of posts in this thread: 8 (In chronological order)

From: Kathryn.Frederick
Date: Wed, Sep 23 2020 11:45AM
Subject: Evaluating Twitter Feed
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Good Afternoon,

I've been asked if a webpage that features embedded Twitter content is accessible. The content above the heading level 1, prior to the tweets, states something like "Twitter ads and privacy info." So, I'm led to believe this is a native Twitter embed on this page. Can anyone speak to the accessibility, or lack thereof, of this interface? I, as a screen reader user, I can navigate through and past the content, but am trying to find more technical specifications for this situation. When you evaluate the implementation of Twitter/external content, what are you looking for?

In this parcitular instance, the pluses of this Twitter feed are:

* The feed does not auto-refresh; there is a button at the bottom that says "load more tweets."
* Some tweets have headings, but most do not (this isn't consistent)
* A negative is there is no "skip navigation (or other applicable link)". So, an individual either has to tab through all the tweets, or can navigate by headings to read the rest of the page's content.
* Should there not be, at minimum, a "skip tweets," link?

Thank you in advance for any assistance you can provide.


Katie Frederick, Program Administrator

From: Steve Green
Date: Wed, Sep 23 2020 12:23PM
Subject: Re: Evaluating Twitter Feed
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When we evaluate the implementation of embedded Twitter/external content, we test it to the same level as the rest of the page.

I don't believe I have ever encountered an embedded Twitter panel that was fully conformant with WCAG 2.1 AA. My understanding is that certain aspects of it are customisable, but we never have admin access to investigate that.

I have encountered some that are effectively a keyboard trap because they keep loading more content as you scroll down, so you can never reach the end. Obviously there is eventually an end, but you may need to tab through thousands of tweets to get there.

Steve Green
Managing Director
Test Partners Ltd

-----Original Message-----
Sent: 23 September 2020 18:45
Subject: [WebAIM] Evaluating Twitter Feed

Good Afternoon,

I've been asked if a webpage that features embedded Twitter content is accessible. The content above the heading level 1, prior to the tweets, states something like "Twitter ads and privacy info." So, I'm led to believe this is a native Twitter embed on this page. Can anyone speak to the accessibility, or lack thereof, of this interface? I, as a screen reader user, I can navigate through and past the content, but am trying to find more technical specifications for this situation. When you evaluate the implementation of Twitter/external content, what are you looking for?

In this parcitular instance, the pluses of this Twitter feed are:

* The feed does not auto-refresh; there is a button at the bottom that says "load more tweets."
* Some tweets have headings, but most do not (this isn't consistent)
* A negative is there is no "skip navigation (or other applicable link)". So, an individual either has to tab through all the tweets, or can navigate by headings to read the rest of the page's content.
* Should there not be, at minimum, a "skip tweets," link?

Thank you in advance for any assistance you can provide.


Katie Frederick, Program Administrator

From: Kathryn.Frederick
Date: Wed, Sep 23 2020 12:31PM
Subject: Re: Evaluating Twitter Feed
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Thank you for your feedback. This feed does not auto-refresh, but users must navigate through the tweets, some of which have headings, but most do not, to reach the other content on the page. Thanks again for your perspective.

Katie Frederick, Program Administrator
Bureau of Services for the Visually Impaired
Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities

-----Original Message-----
From: WebAIM-Forum < = EMAIL ADDRESS REMOVED = > On Behalf Of Steve Green
Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2020 2:23 PM
To: WebAIM Discussion List < = EMAIL ADDRESS REMOVED = >
Subject: Re: [WebAIM] Evaluating Twitter Feed

When we evaluate the implementation of embedded Twitter/external content, we test it to the same level as the rest of the page.

I don't believe I have ever encountered an embedded Twitter panel that was fully conformant with WCAG 2.1 AA. My understanding is that certain aspects of it are customisable, but we never have admin access to investigate that.

I have encountered some that are effectively a keyboard trap because they keep loading more content as you scroll down, so you can never reach the end. Obviously there is eventually an end, but you may need to tab through thousands of tweets to get there.

Steve Green
Managing Director
Test Partners Ltd

-----Original Message-----
Sent: 23 September 2020 18:45
Subject: [WebAIM] Evaluating Twitter Feed

Good Afternoon,

I've been asked if a webpage that features embedded Twitter content is accessible. The content above the heading level 1, prior to the tweets, states something like "Twitter ads and privacy info." So, I'm led to believe this is a native Twitter embed on this page. Can anyone speak to the accessibility, or lack thereof, of this interface? I, as a screen reader user, I can navigate through and past the content, but am trying to find more technical specifications for this situation. When you evaluate the implementation of Twitter/external content, what are you looking for?

In this parcitular instance, the pluses of this Twitter feed are:

* The feed does not auto-refresh; there is a button at the bottom that says "load more tweets."
* Some tweets have headings, but most do not (this isn't consistent)
* A negative is there is no "skip navigation (or other applicable link)". So, an individual either has to tab through all the tweets, or can navigate by headings to read the rest of the page's content.
* Should there not be, at minimum, a "skip tweets," link?

Thank you in advance for any assistance you can provide.


Katie Frederick, Program Administrator
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From: Steve Green
Date: Wed, Sep 23 2020 12:37PM
Subject: Re: Evaluating Twitter Feed
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What I have seen isn't so much an auto-refresh as lazy loading being used to continuously add to the list of tweets as you scroll down. Because this happens below the end of the visible content, you don't even know it is happening. Hopefully yours isn't doing that.


-----Original Message-----
Sent: 23 September 2020 19:32
To: WebAIM Discussion List < = EMAIL ADDRESS REMOVED = >
Subject: Re: [WebAIM] Evaluating Twitter Feed


Thank you for your feedback. This feed does not auto-refresh, but users must navigate through the tweets, some of which have headings, but most do not, to reach the other content on the page. Thanks again for your perspective.

Katie Frederick, Program Administrator
Bureau of Services for the Visually Impaired Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities

-----Original Message-----
From: WebAIM-Forum < = EMAIL ADDRESS REMOVED = > On Behalf Of Steve Green
Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2020 2:23 PM
To: WebAIM Discussion List < = EMAIL ADDRESS REMOVED = >
Subject: Re: [WebAIM] Evaluating Twitter Feed

When we evaluate the implementation of embedded Twitter/external content, we test it to the same level as the rest of the page.

I don't believe I have ever encountered an embedded Twitter panel that was fully conformant with WCAG 2.1 AA. My understanding is that certain aspects of it are customisable, but we never have admin access to investigate that.

I have encountered some that are effectively a keyboard trap because they keep loading more content as you scroll down, so you can never reach the end. Obviously there is eventually an end, but you may need to tab through thousands of tweets to get there.

Steve Green
Managing Director
Test Partners Ltd

-----Original Message-----
Sent: 23 September 2020 18:45
Subject: [WebAIM] Evaluating Twitter Feed

Good Afternoon,

I've been asked if a webpage that features embedded Twitter content is accessible. The content above the heading level 1, prior to the tweets, states something like "Twitter ads and privacy info." So, I'm led to believe this is a native Twitter embed on this page. Can anyone speak to the accessibility, or lack thereof, of this interface? I, as a screen reader user, I can navigate through and past the content, but am trying to find more technical specifications for this situation. When you evaluate the implementation of Twitter/external content, what are you looking for?

In this parcitular instance, the pluses of this Twitter feed are:

* The feed does not auto-refresh; there is a button at the bottom that says "load more tweets."
* Some tweets have headings, but most do not (this isn't consistent)
* A negative is there is no "skip navigation (or other applicable link)". So, an individual either has to tab through all the tweets, or can navigate by headings to read the rest of the page's content.
* Should there not be, at minimum, a "skip tweets," link?

Thank you in advance for any assistance you can provide.


Katie Frederick, Program Administrator
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From: glen walker
Date: Wed, Sep 23 2020 12:50PM
Subject: Re: Evaluating Twitter Feed
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After you agree to a 30+ page terms and conditions page,
https://developer.twitter.com/en/developer-terms/agreement-and-policy, you
can create a feed via https://publish.twitter.com/. I played with it for a
minute and there aren't many options ("set customization options" button).
You can specify the size (width/height) of the element, a light/dark color
theme, and the language. The feed itself is embedded with an iframe, which
isn't surprising. The language seems to propagate down such that the lang
property is set on the first main <div> in the <body>. The feed always
seems to have a "load more tweets" (or "Weitere Tweets laden" in my German
test case) button at the bottom so there isn't an infinite scroll problem.
But you do have to tab forever to get through it. From a conformance
perspective, tabbing forever isn't a strict failure. From a UX
perspective, it'd be nice to have a "skip tweets area" link.

From: glen walker
Date: Wed, Sep 23 2020 12:51PM
Subject: Re: Evaluating Twitter Feed
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Also meant to mention you can get some info at

On Wed, Sep 23, 2020 at 12:50 PM glen walker < = EMAIL ADDRESS REMOVED = > wrote:

> After you agree to a 30+ page terms and conditions page,
> https://developer.twitter.com/en/developer-terms/agreement-and-policy,
> you can create a feed via https://publish.twitter.com/. I played with it
> for a minute and there aren't many options ("set customization options"
> button). You can specify the size (width/height) of the element, a
> light/dark color theme, and the language. The feed itself is embedded with
> an iframe, which isn't surprising. The language seems to propagate down
> such that the lang property is set on the first main <div> in the <body>.
> The feed always seems to have a "load more tweets" (or "Weitere Tweets
> laden" in my German test case) button at the bottom so there isn't an
> infinite scroll problem. But you do have to tab forever to get through
> it. From a conformance perspective, tabbing forever isn't a strict
> failure. From a UX perspective, it'd be nice to have a "skip tweets area"
> link.

From: Kathryn.Frederick
Date: Wed, Sep 23 2020 1:01PM
Subject: Re: Evaluating Twitter Feed
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Thank you, Glen, those were my initial thoughts after looking at it. I appreciate the feedback.

Katie Frederick, Program Administrator
Bureau of Services for the Visually Impaired
Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities

-----Original Message-----
From: WebAIM-Forum < = EMAIL ADDRESS REMOVED = > On Behalf Of glen walker
Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2020 2:51 PM
To: WebAIM Discussion List < = EMAIL ADDRESS REMOVED = >
Subject: Re: [WebAIM] Evaluating Twitter Feed

After you agree to a 30+ page terms and conditions page, https://gcc01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fdeveloper.twitter.com%2Fen%2Fdeveloper-terms%2Fagreement-and-policy&amp;data=02%7C01%7Ckathryn.frederick%40ood.ohio.gov%7Cf1ad4f4a7cfc4e3211b408d85ff1a1d2%7C50f8fcc494d84f0784eb36ed57c7c8a2%7C0%7C0%7C637364838694887769&amp;sdata=BHco6c3ko2i7Qwch8FhaeWwcdJs3crAIP94qymtx2mo%3D&amp;reserved=0, you can create a feed via https://gcc01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpublish.twitter.com%2F&amp;data=02%7C01%7Ckathryn.frederick%40ood.ohio.gov%7Cf1ad4f4a7cfc4e3211b408d85ff1a1d2%7C50f8fcc494d84f0784eb36ed57c7c8a2%7C0%7C0%7C637364838694887769&amp;sdata=NPH2r5xY1yJNFRq6fc2fMosnxefnAcxrhhYTqqN8Tq8%3D&amp;reserved=0. I played with it for a minute and there aren't many options ("set customization options" button).
You can specify the size (width/height) of the element, a light/dark color theme, and the language. The feed itself is embedded with an iframe, which isn't surprising. The language seems to propagate down such that the lang property is set on the first main <div> in the <body>. The feed always seems to have a "load more tweets" (or "Weitere Tweets laden" in my German test case) button at the bottom so there isn't an infinite scroll problem.
But you do have to tab forever to get through it. From a conformance perspective, tabbing forever isn't a strict failure. From a UX perspective, it'd be nice to have a "skip tweets area" link.
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From: Kathryn.Frederick
Date: Wed, Sep 23 2020 1:03PM
Subject: Re: Evaluating Twitter Feed
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Thanks for this link. I found it ironic the bookmark/share article buttons weren't labeled. Nevertheless, I appreciate the share. 😊

Katie Frederick, Program Administrator

-----Original Message-----
From: WebAIM-Forum < = EMAIL ADDRESS REMOVED = > On Behalf Of glen walker
Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2020 2:52 PM
To: WebAIM Discussion List < = EMAIL ADDRESS REMOVED = >
Subject: Re: [WebAIM] Evaluating Twitter Feed

Also meant to mention you can get some info at

On Wed, Sep 23, 2020 at 12:50 PM glen walker < = EMAIL ADDRESS REMOVED = > wrote:

> After you agree to a 30+ page terms and conditions page,
> https://gcc01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fdeve
> loper.twitter.com%2Fen%2Fdeveloper-terms%2Fagreement-and-policy&amp;da
> ta%7C01%7Ckathryn.frederick%40ood.ohio.gov%7C84f3e84fe02a404a92c308
> d85ff1bded%7C50f8fcc494d84f0784eb36ed57c7c8a2%7C0%7C0%7C63736483916354
> 2836&amp;sdata=vrmffGklpu88Yy84hyOVyoNv1GO5Ok%2FgB6avimfAVAA%3D&amp;re
> served=0, you can create a feed via
> https://gcc01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpubl
> ish.twitter.com%2F&amp;data%7C01%7Ckathryn.frederick%40ood.ohio.gov%7C84f3e84fe02a404a92c308d85ff1bded%7C50f8fcc494d84f0784eb36ed57c7c8a2%7C0%7C0%7C637364839163542836&amp;sdata=qPyPk5MJQkzUb%2FBpITZjUdpJ9sRJYFwefccyNnU2FOA%3D&amp;reserved=0. I played with it for a minute and there aren't many options ("set customization options"
> button). You can specify the size (width/height) of the element, a
> light/dark color theme, and the language. The feed itself is embedded
> with an iframe, which isn't surprising. The language seems to
> propagate down such that the lang property is set on the first main <div> in the <body>.
> The feed always seems to have a "load more tweets" (or "Weitere Tweets
> laden" in my German test case) button at the bottom so there isn't an
> infinite scroll problem. But you do have to tab forever to get
> through it. From a conformance perspective, tabbing forever isn't a
> strict failure. From a UX perspective, it'd be nice to have a "skip tweets area"
> link.
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