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Re: Best Practice for interaction between Closed Captioning and Audio
From: ~G~
Date: Sep 7, 2008 10:30PM
- Next message: Cynthia Waddell: "Re: Best Practice for interaction between ClosedCaptioning and Audio"
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As a deaf person, I prefer seeing a closed captioning button available where
I can easily access it to turn on captioning. If just providing a mute
button to turn on captioning then very bad idea. Why would I want to 'mute'
something I can't hear!!??
Why mute audio of video if cc is turned on?
My thoughts and opinions.
- Next message: Cynthia Waddell: "Re: Best Practice for interaction between ClosedCaptioning and Audio"
- Previous message: Moore, Michael: "Re: Spam?:Re: Best Practice for interaction betweenClosedCaptioning and Audio"
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