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Re: Word Accessibility with JAWS
From: Sean Keegan
Date: Sep 24, 2008 12:50PM
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> The only issues I've had with JAWS reading alt text on images in
> Word 2003 or 2007 is when I'm using the Down Arrow to go through
> parts of a document line by line. JAWS might say "slash" for an image
> but if I go above the image and either SayAll or read by paragraph,
> it does read the Alt Text.
Karen - which version of JAWS are you using?
I am running a networked version of JAWS (version 9.0.2169U) with the same
labeled graphics and graphical objects settings enabled and have found that
JAWS rarely reads the alt text information for images in Word 2007. I have
also tried this with .docx and .doc files with the same result (no image
information being communicated). I do get the "slash" feedback, but that is
I contacted Freedom Sci. support about a month ago and they acknowledged
that this is a bug issue and should be resolved in the next version. Just
curious what you have running and how JAWS may be configured as I had no
success with manipulating the settings.
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