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Re: Testing readability of a page that's behind a firewall


From: Phil Teare
Date: Nov 1, 2008 4:00AM

Well - yes and no (imo)

(Formulas essentially count words per sentence and syllables per word. And
> I'm no doubt oversimplifying, but that's the largest part of each score.)

The bit I think you are over-simplifying a little here is that its
averaged. You can use larger words and longer sentences, but sparingly, and
still get a readable score.

Sure, the tests are by no means perfect, and many factors can through a
misguiding test result, but you can write eloquently, and readibly. And
mores the point be tested as such by the better tests. Its also worth making
sure you're using the right test for the job.

I made a program called aracalc many moons ago, which should do what you
want. There are probably still some reviews out there.

If you want it, and I can find the source, I'll compile a copy for you.

Phil Teare,
CTO & Chief Architect, TEXTIC Ltd

Mob: ++44 [0]787260215
Home: ++44 [0]1628621432

2008/10/31 Cliff Tyllick < <EMAIL REMOVED> >

> Apologies in advance for this cross-posted response...
> Claudia, might I suggest you dispense with the testing tools. Write
> clearly, reread your work, and edit it mercilessly. On your Web pages, make
> every word earn its place five times. Ginny Redish's latest title, "Letting
> Go of the Words: Writing Web Content that Works," is on the mark.
> I have seen much good writing ruined in an effort to improve a readability
> score. And although we should use the simplest word that works, sometimes
> there just isn't a word of one or two syllables to express the concept.
> (Formulas essentially count words per sentence and syllables per word. And
> I'm no doubt oversimplifying, but that's the largest part of each score.)
> So when you have to use words like "readability" and "oversimplifying,"
> your readability score will be atrocious. If you counterbalance that by
> making your sentences short, your score will improve a bit, but your text
> will read like a primer. And choppy sentences impair comprehension, too.
> And now I'll step down from my soap box and go have a weekend.
> Cheers...
> Cliff Tyllick
> Web development coordinator
> Agency Communications Division
> Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
> 512-239-4516
> >>> "Claudia Alden Case" < <EMAIL REMOVED> > 10/31/2008 5:32 PM >>>
> I typically use Juicy Studio's Readability Test tool to check the
> readability of web pages. Recently, I've been running accessibility audits
> of web apps that sit behind a firewall. JS's Readability Test tool doesn't
> work with these URL because they are behind the firewall. I tried saving
> the page to my local hard drive and pointing the JS tool at the saved page
> but it doesn't appear to be able to handle file://.
> I'd be interested in hearing what options I have for testing readability in
> lieu of the JS tool.
> I'm cross-posting this to accessibility_Sig and webaim-forum so I apologize
> if you received this twice.
> Thanks,
> Claudia