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Re: Another high-contrast question
From: Michael D. Roush
Date: Nov 24, 2008 9:05AM
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Dean Hamack wrote:
> OK, so I'm building a new site for my company and I've decided to put in a
> PHP theme switcher function. I want to have a high-contrast theme, and am
> looking for some input on the best way to style it.
> I know that a black background is best, but what about font face, font size,
> font color, link color, etc.?
Here's my thoughts on this sort of thing...
If someone needs a high-contrast mode in order to see their screen, they
need it for more than just their web browsing. If they have MS Windows,
they have a high-contrast mode selector built in. (Frankly, they do
with other OS's as well.)
I would suggest that you make certain your site works with Windows
High-Contrast Mode in its standard theme. If you include a
high-contrast option within the site, don't necessarily think you need
to go with a black background (again, someone who really needs a black
background will have that for every application through their OS).
White-on-black, black-on-white, or blue-on-white are good choices.
The Contrast Analyzers within the WAT (Web Accessibility Toolbar) will
give you a leg up on whether your existing color choices represent
sufficient contrast.
As for font face and size, I would lean towards a sans-serif font for
on-screen presentation, and not do anything with the size that would
interfere with the OS changing the size/color in various modes.
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