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Flash accessibility test
From: Dean Hamack
Date: Dec 23, 2008 11:25AM
- Next message: Angela French: "latest practice on alt text"
- Previous message: Dean Hamack: "Re: Flash and accessibility"
- Next message in Thread: Patrick Burke: "Re: Flash accessibility test"
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OK, I figured out there was a small problem in my logic the other day with
regards to providing alternate content to screenreaders.
The way swfobject.js works is to detect Flash, and if it finds it, set the
alternate content to "display:none". As we know, this also hides it from the
screenreader. So I made an alteration to swfobject.js to move the content
off the page instead. Anyone care to test it out?
Note that this is just the first page and none of the links work yet.
- Next message: Angela French: "latest practice on alt text"
- Previous message: Dean Hamack: "Re: Flash and accessibility"
- Next message in Thread: Patrick Burke: "Re: Flash accessibility test"
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