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Re: Ext JS Grid and Accessibility
From: Tim Harshbarger
Date: Jan 22, 2009 6:05AM
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- Previous message in Thread: John Foliot: "Re: Ext JS Grid and Accessibility"
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My opinion is that the array grid is not accessible. The content, at
the least, should be marked up as a table with row and column headings.
It might be possible for some people using screen readers to read and
comprehend the contents in the grid. However, the lack of good mark-up
would place the burden of interpreting the grid contents on the user's
abilities--such as can they remember the row and column headers as they
read the numerical data.
Also, you may want to look at the tasks the users will be performing
when they use a grid like this. It just occurred to me that if the user
needs to compare data across columns or rows, it might cause problems if
Ajax is being used to continually update the grid contents. If the user
is unaware the data just updated, the user might draw erroneous
conclusions when comparing data across columns and rows.
- Next message: Dean Hamack: "Request for a screenreader test"
- Previous message: Christophe Strobbe: "old browsers - was: Wordpress high-contrast theme switcher finished"
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- Previous message in Thread: John Foliot: "Re: Ext JS Grid and Accessibility"
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