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Re: "Safe" shortcut keys
From: John Foliot
Date: Feb 11, 2009 6:45PM
- Next message: Chris Hoffman: "Re: "Safe" shortcut keys"
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- Next message in Thread: Chris Hoffman: "Re: "Safe" shortcut keys"
- Previous message in Thread: Rich Pedley: "Re: "Safe" shortcut keys"
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Rich Pedley wrote:
> But until every site allows people to set their own access keys -
> which lets face it is never going to happen - then their usefulness is
> considerably lessened. Look at the situation where access keys *are*
> implemented - how many sites actually use the same set? You might say
> that the government sites do, but I can guarantee that they all don't.
> So then it becomes hit and miss as to whether they work or not.
If we start to see widespread adoption of the ARIA landmark roles <big
hint!>, then the user-agents will have predictable DOM hooks that can then
be configured by the end user as far as key-mapping is concerned. For
example, if the majority of sites used the @role landmark of "search"
(role="search") then you could configure your browser so that a particular
keystroke combination (of *your* choosing) would always put focus on the
search area. This completely eliminates "learn-ability" issues as well as
potential keystroke conflicts with different browsers and adaptive
technologies, making my poor little chart of 2002 a quaint reminder of the
way things used to be...
So Rich, never say never...
> So I agree with John, no surprise on this topic.
That's only because you've been hearing me go on about accesskeys for
years Rich (LOL)
- Next message: Chris Hoffman: "Re: "Safe" shortcut keys"
- Previous message: Cliff Tyllick: "Re: 508 Fonts"
- Next message in Thread: Chris Hoffman: "Re: "Safe" shortcut keys"
- Previous message in Thread: Rich Pedley: "Re: "Safe" shortcut keys"
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