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Re: Question regarding accessible badgesor widgetsforFacebook and Twitter


From: Randi
Date: Feb 26, 2009 12:05PM

Hi there wow I am so overwhelmed haha. I only got the macbook 2 months
ago and have been serching furiously for help. I've been to the Apple
site quite a number of times, and the info is good, but before I knew
how to get to the back button I had a hard time navigating LOL.
Somewhere in my reading I discovered the tutorial already on my
computer. That taught me more, but I was dying to actually talk to
people. Someone here recommended a google group and I joined it
yesterday and have been flooded with other blind mac users. WOW. I
have Alex. He's awesome. I thought I was going nuts because I sore I
heard him breathe......I ended up reading a review of voicover and it
said they made him breathe to sound more real. He reads super fast and
is actually more understandable that way. My sited friends are
shocked. My talking ipod has a female voice and she sounds like she's
on valium compaired to Alex hahaha. I starred your email with the blog
links. I'm getting so many links it'll take an evening to go and
bookmark them all.

I've heard that the PC readers are better, but for someone like me who
doesn't want to wait to be taught, I knew apple would be great as far
as self teaching. I'll learn the pc stuff down the road too. I like to
be well rounded. I think I have Leopard....not sure? Sometime I hear
Alex say "software update" or something, but I never know if I'm
supposed to so eomething hahaha. Sorry to ramble, I know this isn't
the board for that, I'm just so thrilled at all the resource I'm
getting since joining this group. Woot!


On 2/25/09, John E. Brandt < <EMAIL REMOVED> > wrote:
> Randi,
> I also send my welcome to you.
> I blogged about VoiceOver a few months ago, but that blog program died and I
> switched to WordPress. I have all of the old content, but have not put it
> back up yet.
> In any case, we had Mike Shebanek from Apple come to Maine last fall and do
> a workshop on the accessibility features of the Mac OS X. I entitled my blog
> "I have drunk the Kool-Aid" as I found myself very impressed with the things
> that Apple had accomplished. It's still not perfect, but I think Apple does
> get the idea of Universal Design which assures that usability is important
> in the design process. I will go find the original post and report it. In
> the meantime, check out this website
> http://www.apple.com/accessibility/voiceover/ (if you haven't already)
> which describes VoiceOver in greater detail. Make sure to go to the
> Downloads page where they have "the manual." You obviously have Mac OS X but
> make sure you have the latest version Leopard as it has the "Alex" voice
> which my blind friends tells me is the best. I can also put you in contact
> with some other Mac people who are blind.
> Welcome again and I will send you the link to my blog when it gets updated.
> ~j
> John E. Brandt
> Web Design, Development, Consultation
> Augusta, Maine USA
> www.jebswebs.com
> 207-622-7937