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Re: JAWS Accordion test


From: Randi
Date: Mar 23, 2009 10:25AM

On the accordian menus, I'm a complete novice so bear with me. I heard
the link but did not click because I assume, just by thinking of an
accordian, that once my curser passes over the link, the content
opens, and thats where I read the nursery rhyme. Do I have that
correct? I knew what I was trying to test though, so If I didn't know
it was an ccordian menu and I clicked on the link and nothing
happened, I'd just arrow down farther and then discover the text. This
happens quite often on some pages. If I click a link and nothing
happens, I assume its some fancy programming and arrow down further.

As for skip to content links, I'm having no luck with those. I don't
know if itsa a Voiceover thing so I've actually got a question out to
my Apple guru with regards to these. These links never do anything.

As far as the question about Jaws reading a whole page, In Voiceover I
have that option if I want, but I never use it. I prefer to go find
stuff on my own. As for right now, I just arrow through pages. I
haven't mastered navigation by header yet. On pages I'm familiar with,
this is not a problem. Voicover gives me blips and blurps when it goes
past lines and paragraphs, so I just have those sounds memorized so I
know how far to arrow down. I don't know if that helps, but thats how
I've been doing it. I need to learn header navigation though, as I'm
sure it will speed things up.

Thanks for including me in this one. Most of your discussions go right
over my head so I like ones I understand hehe.


On 3/23/09, Steve Green < <EMAIL REMOVED> > wrote:
> In my experience they read one line at a time, although they may use other
> strategies in addition, such as using the links list, heading list or
> jumping to headings.
> 'SayAll' mode, which is the mode where JAWS reads continuously, is not
> particularly useful for most tasks because the semantic structure is not
> read out in this mode and it is impossible to build a mental model of the
> page. It is really only useful for reading large blocks of text, but even
> then I have not seen anyone use it.
> To a large extent I expect it depends how the user was trained, and maybe
> someone who has not received any training may tend to use it more because
> JAWS switches to SayAll mode each time a new page loads.
> Steve