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Re: JAWS 10 and Hidden Text
From: Randi
Date: Mar 23, 2009 2:45PM
- Next message: Al Sparber: "Re: JAWS 10 and Hidden Text"
- Previous message: Jared Smith: "Re: JAWS 10 and Hidden Text"
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- Previous message in Thread: Jared Smith: "Re: JAWS 10 and Hidden Text"
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Hi there. I'm just curious if Test 1 and Test 2 were supposed to show
anything or not? Because using Voiceover there was nothing under those
headings after the description. Test 3 worked just fine.
Was that what you are trying to see? Because if there's supposed to be
content there for the first 2 tests, then Voiceover did not read it.
On 3/23/09, Jared Smith < <EMAIL REMOVED> > wrote:
> I believe they may have addressed the instances outlined here -
> http://juicystudio.com/article/screen-readers-display-none.php - where
> content hidden with display:none was being read by JAWS.
> If this is indeed the case, then this is a very good thing as content
> that is truly hidden with CSS should never be identified by screen
> readers.
> Jared Smith
> WebAIM
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- Previous message: Jared Smith: "Re: JAWS 10 and Hidden Text"
- Next message in Thread: Al Sparber: "Re: JAWS 10 and Hidden Text"
- Previous message in Thread: Jared Smith: "Re: JAWS 10 and Hidden Text"
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