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Re: Alternatives for the CAPTCHA
From: Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis
Date: Mar 23, 2009 5:55PM
- Next message: Webb, KerryA: "Re: Alternatives for the CAPTCHA"
- Previous message: Keith Parks: "Re: Alternatives for the CAPTCHA"
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- Previous message in Thread: Keith Parks: "Re: Alternatives for the CAPTCHA"
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On 23/3/09 23:47, Keith Parks wrote:
> I always thought a simple math question was a good idea.
> "Enter the answer to this question: What does two plus three equal?"
> Then accept either "five" or "5".
Sadly, building a bot to solve such questions would be reasonably easy,
assuming the site in question was worth writing any dedicated code to spam.
Conversely, almost any Turing Test is likely to be good enough for tiny
Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis
- Next message: Webb, KerryA: "Re: Alternatives for the CAPTCHA"
- Previous message: Keith Parks: "Re: Alternatives for the CAPTCHA"
- Next message in Thread: Webb, KerryA: "Re: Alternatives for the CAPTCHA"
- Previous message in Thread: Keith Parks: "Re: Alternatives for the CAPTCHA"
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